Some, Few, and None

Learn how to specify an unspecific quantity of something.

"Qualche" or "Alcuni/Alcune" - Some

The word "some" can be translated as "qualche" or "alcuni" (masculine) / "alcune" (feminine).

  • I have some books. - Ho qualche libro.
  • There are some interesting places to visit. - Ci sono alcuni posti interessanti da visitare.

"Pochi/Poche" - Few

The term "few" can be expressed as "pochi" (masculine) / "poche" (feminine).

  • There are few people here. - Ci sono poche persone qui.
  • We have only a few apples left. - Abbiamo solo poche mele rimaste.
  • He made a few mistakes. - Ha fatto pochi errori.

"Nessuno/Nessuna" - None / No one

To indicate "none" or "no one," you can use "nessuno" (masculine) / "nessuna" (feminine).

  • None of the books are mine. - Nessuno dei libri è mio.
  • I have seen none of the movies on that list. - Non ho visto nessuno dei film nella lista.
  • There is no one at home. - Non c'è nessuno a casa.

Specifically for "no one" as a standalone term, you can use "nessuno".

  • No one knows the answer. - Nessuno conosce la risposta.
  • I asked, but no one responded. - Ho chiesto, ma nessuno ha risposto.

"Nessun/Nessuna" - Not any

When you want to express "not any," use "nessun" (masculine) / "nessuna" (feminine).

  • There aren't any chairs available. - Non ci sono nessune sedie disponibili.
  • I don't have any free time today. - Non ho nessun tempo libero oggi.

Remember to consider the gender and number of the noun when using these expressions. Practice using them in context to strengthen your understanding and proficiency.

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