Here, There

Learn about how to indicate location relative to the speaker.


  • Qui: This is used to indicate a location near the speaker.
  • Qua: This is also used to indicate a location near the speaker, but is more informal.


  • Vieni qui - Come here, please
  • Siediti qua - Sit here


  • : This is used to indicate a location away from the speaker.
  • : This is also used to indicate a location away from the speaker, but is more informal.


  • C'è un parco - There is a park over there
  • Il negozio è - The store is over there

Here is, Here are

“Here is” or “Here are” are phrases to talk about things we can see and things or concepts that exist, and are used when presenting something to someone. The form changes slightly when referring to gender and quantity of the noun.

  • Ecco: This is a general expression for indicating "here is."
  • Eccoti: This is an informal expression used when speaking directly to someone.
  • Eccoli: This is used for indicating "here are" when referring to masculine objects.
  • Eccole: This is used for indicating "here are" when referring to feminine objects.


  • Ecco il tuo caffè. - Here is your coffee.
  • Eccoli le chiavi. - Here are the keys.
  • Ecco i documenti che hai richiesto. - Here are the documents you requested

There are, There is

“There is” or “there are” are phrases to talk about things we can see and things or concepts that exist.

  • ci sono: There are
  • c’è: There is


  • C'è un parco là - There is a park over there
  • ci sono parchi in cittàlà - there are parks in the city
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