
Italian, like many Romance languages, uses grammatical gender. Nouns, adjectives, pronouns, and articles are classified as either masculine or feminine. This guide will provide you with an overview of how gender is used in Italian.

Masculine and Feminine Nouns

Most Italian nouns have a fixed gender. There are no strict rules to determine the gender of a noun, so it's necessary to learn the gender of each noun individually.

  • Nouns ending in -o are usually masculine, such as ragazzo (boy) or libro (book).
  • Nouns ending in -a are typically feminine, like ragazza (girl) or casa (house).
  • However, there are exceptions, so it's always a good idea to consult a dictionary or native speaker for confirmation.


Italian articles (definite and indefinite) must agree in gender with the noun they modify.

  • The definite article il is used with singular masculine nouns, such as il ragazzo (the boy).
  • The definite article la is used with singular feminine nouns, like la ragazza (the girl).
  • The indefinite article un is used with singular masculine nouns, for example, un ragazzo (a boy).
  • The indefinite article una is used with singular feminine nouns, such as una ragazza (a girl).


Adjectives must agree in gender with the nouns they describe.

  • Masculine singular adjectives often end in -o, like grande (big) or forte (strong).
  • Feminine singular adjectives often end in -a, such as grande (big) or forte (strong).
  • To make an adjective plural, change the -o ending to -i for masculine adjectives and change the -a ending to -e for feminine adjectives. For example: grandi (big) and forti (strong) in the plural form.


Personal pronouns in Italian also have different forms for masculine and feminine.

  • The pronoun egli (he) is masculine, while ella (she) is feminine. However, in modern Italian, it is more common to use lui for both he and it.
  • The pronoun essi (they) is used for a group of masculine nouns, and esse is used for a group of feminine nouns.

Occupations and Titles

In Italian, some occupations and titles have specific forms for masculine and feminine.

  • For example, a male doctor is un medico, while a female doctor is una dottoressa.
  • Similarly, a male author is un autore, and a female author is un'autrice.

Remember that there are exceptions and irregularities in gender usage in Italian. It's important to study and practice using the language to familiarize yourself with these patterns. Reading Italian texts, conversing with native speakers, and using language learning resources will greatly help you in mastering gender usage.

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